This is the second announcement this year already, but it’s a really exciting one. Many companies have asked us for the ability to share a match with co-workers and today, we’re very happy to introduce that new feature.
You’ve been introduced to a candidate, and you want feedback from other employees at your company? Not a problem! Just click the “get feedback from colleagues” and Whitetruffle will ask them to provide feedback and compile it for you.
Once you click the link, we’ll show you a list of the people you asked feedback from, or are also users of your company Whitetruffle account. You can also add new people. Note that you can ask feedback from anyone in your company, it doesn’t count against your seats.
They will then receive a notification with a link to the match, and a thumbs up and down option, with a comment section if they wish to share their thoughts.
Their feedback is compiled in the match for you, so you can easily have access to it. You can also hide it if you’ve already seen it and don’t need it.
We’re very excited about this feature. We hope you will enjoy it too. It is available right now, for all companies at all levels. Just sign in or sign up at .