It’s been a great week in the Whitetruffle land. We’ve heard loud and clear some of the things our lovely truffles hunters would like us to improve. 

It’s with great pleasure that I’d like to introduce you to Sahra. She’s our fairy queen. She’s basically here to do some magic to make all of you super happy. Any problem you have, any question you have, anything you want, just let her know ([email protected]). Sahra will reach out to all of you in the coming days if she hasn’t already. We’re so thrilled to have her in our team, and she’s already made a huge impact! 

Second, we’ve also heard that for the most active of you, the amount of emails you’re receiving can be overwhelming, especially the reminders. We’re fixing that. We’re releasing a weekly email, with all your stats and reminders. Those will replace in the coming weeks the usual reminders that you used to get, and which annoyed some of you. We hope those will give you a much better clarity of your status on Whitetruffle. We’re going to test them with a few of you before sending them to everyone. 

On top of that, we’ve made major changes in how companies post a job. At Whitetruffle, we believe job descriptions are outdated. When you hire someone, you usually describe that person with “tags”. For ex, for a cleaning lady, you would say: “I’m looking for someone in Palo Alto, reliable, on time, and honest”. It’s the same for the engineering world. Starting today, companies now create a feed of candidates based on specific tags. If you have already posted a job, don’t worry, we took care of it for you. You can always go and modify your tags if you want to. To do so, just click the job link on the top navigation. 

Your profile is becoming more and more important. Most of the job description describe the company and its culture. We believe a company profile can do much more, especially with a nice video, your twitter feed etc… You now can do all that on Whitetruffle. Take the time to make it good! It’s super important. You can edit your profile at anytime. 

We’ve also made lot of changes in our matching tool, which will be invisible to you, but should give you better results. 

We have many more changes coming up next week. Stay tuned! And as always, a major hug to all of you for being such cool people.