One of the most exciting things about working at Whitetruffle is being able to get to know the people and companies that are changing the future of technology. Matterport is one of those companies.
Matterport has created software that is able to take the images captured by a device like the Kinect and stitch them into shareable 3D images. Making something like this work was an incredible hard problem to solve. The day it finally worked Matt Bell, Matterport’s CEO, said, “For the first time, the glimmer of an idea that had been driving us for the last several months had flashed into a tangible reality. A glorious future unrolled — capturing a 3D scene will be as simple as taking a photograph. Millions of people will be preserving and sharing the objects they care about and the spaces they inhabit and we will help create an online copy of the entire world.”
Many people in many industries, including real estate, construction, and entertainment, are very excited about what Matterport has created. Matterport has been featured on CNNMoney, and VentureBeat.
They have a big vision, and they’re looking for for the right people to make it happen.
To meet and be matched with companies like Matterport, all you have to do is
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